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Einstufungstest Spanisch < Guest >
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Spanish Tests Spanish Tests
Spanish Test Französischtest
Französischtest 2 levels of testing
At present there are 2 Spanish tests you can choose from.

Length of test: 35 min.

For technical reasons you are required to login if you select one of the tests.
Spanish Tests
By entering a login and password of your choice, you can save and send your test results >> My Data

Select test level 1 if you
- can use basic language to make yourself understood
- have had less than 300 Spanish lessons.

Select test level 2 if you
- can communicate with ease in everyday situations
- have completed Certificado Inicial, for example
- have had at least 300 to 400 Spanish lessons.
Spanish Tests Spanish Entry Test
Einstufungstest Spanisch
Q-LEVEL, the new b2b testgeneration

For companies, schools und government

Learn more>>

Einstufungstest Spanisch
Spanish Tests
Einstufungstest Spanisch
Einstufungstest Spanisch